Discord: Tyler From Texas#2030

Age 33, Male

University of North Texas

Austin, TX

Joined on 7/20/05

Exp Points:
1,252 / 1,350
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Vote Power:
5.33 votes
Portal Security
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B/P Bonus:
1m 4d

TylerFromTexas's News

Posted by TylerFromTexas - May 2nd, 2009

Dodger, my dog (as of May 2, 2009 at 2:12PM CST). Had to be put down. I'll miss him a lot, and he was my first dog I ever had.

Another news, part II of SWINE VIRUS! Here I am, behind an ally way, where more people got infected with the Swine Virus, and I wait for the action to fight for my life.

Photoshop was not done by me, a friend of mine did this one, and he appeared to have trouble with the white line, but I can't blame him.

R.I.P. Dodger/Another Swine Virus Photoshop.

Posted by TylerFromTexas - April 30th, 2009

My first audio submission came through. As I said before, it isn't that great considering I've been approving in the past week. But anyways, I hope you enjoy a small audio clip of a cover by Pink Floyd (Brain Damage).

Posted by TylerFromTexas - April 26th, 2009

Well there has been cases reported in San Antonio, TX. So I'll be pretty cautious for a while so I won't get sick. And here's a fun little diddle daddle I did.

SWINE VIRUS!!!!! (It sounds better).

Swine Flu!

Posted by TylerFromTexas - April 25th, 2009

Should be on soon, and I'll update when it does get through.

It probably not that great or anything, but I felt like I should contribute to the audio portal.

Posted by TylerFromTexas - April 19th, 2009

Can't argue with MindChamber.

Posted by TylerFromTexas - April 10th, 2009

What's on your mind?

Posted by TylerFromTexas - March 22nd, 2009

SXSW is a music festival that is hosted in Austin, TX ever year (usually during spring break) and since I happen to live only a few miles from Austin, I decided to go with a friend. And boy was it amazing! Not only was it free, but most, if not all, of the bands we listened to were GREAT! And I got videos to show you.

No I have not found a video with me in it, but if I ever do, I'll be sure to put it in. My friend and I were at the very front left and very front right stage of the days we went.

SXSW 2009 was being shown March 18-March 22. My friend and I managed to go on the 19th and the 21st.

The bands that we saw on the 19th:

Elvis Perkins In Dearland - Germantown NY (Rock)
Cold War Kids - Long Beach CA (Rock)
M Ward - Portland OR (Rock)

The bands that we saw on the 21st:

Fastball - Austin TX (Rock)
Beach House - Baltimore MD (Pop)
The Cannabinoids feat. Erykah Badu - Dallas TX (Avant/Experimental)
Explosions in the Sky - Austin TX (Rock)

Live video from Cold War Kids at SXSW 09' playing the song, "Hospital Beds"

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Live video from M Ward at SXSW 09' playing the song, "One Hundred Million Years"

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I became such a fan of M Ward now that I even made a fan video of it with characters from Jungledyret Hugo. Song is called, "Never Had Nobody Like You"

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Live video from Explosions in the Sky at SXSW 2009, song undetermined, but I love it anyways. x3

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The Grand Finale at SXSW 2009 while Explosions in the Sky are still playing their amazing long ass song. That might have been me that yelled "ENCORE!" We were nuts for the next ten minutes when they stopped playing, we really wanted more (video quality isn't as good).

/* */
We had a lot of fun! All of the music was pretty good, if not GODLY AMAZING, and if you ever plan on being in Texas during spring break, then SXSW is to place to be to listen to live music for free. Oh, the band I liked the best out of them were M Ward and Explosions in the Sky.

And now I leave you with a picture of my T-Shirt I bought from SXSW 2009. :D

South By Southwest (SXSW) 2009!

Posted by TylerFromTexas - March 17th, 2009

To tell you the truth I have no idea, I won seven of these medals on Portal Defenders. Just to let everyone know.

And yes I was logged in while playing it.

Posted by TylerFromTexas - February 15th, 2009

Yep, I've always wanted to know how to play the guitar, and now I am.

Thanks to a great website called: Ultimate-Guitar.com, I can learn a lot of basic songs before I can go for the most challenging ones.

Here's what I've learned so far:

Come As You Are-Nirvana
Enter Sandman (Intro)-Metallica
Walk the Line-Johnny Cash
Goodbye Blue Sky (Intro)-Pink Floyd
Hey You-Pink Floyd
A Love Story-Taylor Swift
The Engineer Song-Team Fortress 2

I'm loving this new hobby of mine and it relaxes me everytime I play it.

Posted by TylerFromTexas - January 29th, 2009

I did several changes around my profile.

For one, I added this fox onto my signatures. It was drawn by a good friend of mine by request because I like foxes and I thought it would be cool.

For two, I updated my photo. Yep, that's me with the sun glasses. I felt that I should update my picture anyways, so I thought what the fuck, I'll put on sun glasses while I'm at it.

Well hope you enjoy those changes.